
Ever find yourself rushing through life?


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you giving yourself the space to pause and reflect. I'm drinking my trusty Irish Breakfast Tea this morning and thinking about stepping back to look at the bigger picture. 

This week is a busy one for me. Lots of performances, work deadlines and classes kicking off again after being sick for a few weeks. A few days ago, I hopped onto my calendar to look at what was ahead of me and I started to stress out. I stressed about getting it all done the way I wanted to get it done, getting it done in a way that other people would be happy with, and getting it done with enough time to spare so that I could catch my breath. In the end, I found myself saying "I just need to get this week over with."

And then I paused. I sat back, took a breath (good old yoga training kicking in) and looked at the schedule again. Pretty much everything on there was something I love to do. I am lucky enough to have a life where I spend time teaching and performing and being inspired by amazing people along the way. I get to spend time sharing with and cultivating a community of people who want to connect peacefully with their bodies. And I cap it all off with extremely funny people who leave me doubled over with laughter. This is what I have worked hard for. So why was I wishing it away?

It's true that I am a homebody who loves to spend time in my comfort zone with a cup of tea and a good book. But somewhere along the way, I convinced myself that this was the primary part of my personality. But that simply isn't true. Because when I really give myself the space to look at my life, yoga, fat activism and comedy are also my comfort zone. They just show up a little differently and with a more buzzy energy. So it's time to change the narrative.

I have made a promise to myself. I am not going to look at this week as something to get through. I am going to embrace every moment (even the anxious ones) and thank my lucky stars that I get to live the kind of week that I used to only imagine for myself. I am going to be present and grateful, I am going to share and laugh, I am going to breathe and pace myself, and then I am going to end it all with a cup of tea and a good book.

I want to treat every day like the gift that it is and do my best not to rush through it. I will report back with the results next week. :)

As always, I'd love to hear about it! Do you ever find yourself wishing time away? Do you rush through things that you actually enjoy and then wish that you had slowed down? What's one thing you want to slow down for this week? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

It's Going to be Perfect...

…actually it isn’t and that’s okay


Hello there and happy Tuesday! Did you sign up for my free community Yin class yet?? Come and spend a Saturday morning with me from the comfort of your home! 

Alright, back to tea time..

I hope this week finds you making space for imperfection. I'm drinking my Buckingham Palace Tea this morning and thinking about letting go of what I think it's supposed to look like and embracing what is.

I've been meditating more lately. It's something I always want to do because I'm more grounded when I'm meditating regularly. In fact, as I type this, I'm a few days away from completing a 40 day meditation practice. The last time I remember completing 40 days of meditation was for my teacher training program over a decade ago. I've had many stops and starts since then, but nothing has really stuck.

So what's different this time? Well, the long and the short of it is, I stopped expecting perfection. During previous attempts, I wanted to meditate every day at the same time, for the same duration in the same way. In fact, my ideal was to meditate twice a day at the same time for the same duration. It had to be silent meditation in a certain spot in my home while sitting a specific way. For someone with a fluctuating schedule who wasn't meditating very much to begin with, this was a big ask. 

I got really caught up in the all or nothing mentality. The voice in my head eerily similar to the voice that would yell at me to go on a diet and stick to it, that if something mattered to me I would do it regardless of whether it felt good or not. That's such a terrible and tight gripped way to approach life. No margin for error, no grace for an off day and no space for exploration. 

When I teach, I'm constantly reminding my students that there's no wrong way to show up. Simply arriving on their mat is enough and from there I ask them to loosen their grip around expectations and simply be with what is. Time to look in a mirror with that advice, Helen!

So that's what's changed. I stopped demanding that meditation look a certain way and asked myself what makes sense and what feels easeful at this time in my life. I've switched to guided meditations for the most part and my wandering mind appreciates the anchor. There's no specific length of time required and there's no correct way to sit. Sometimes I sit on a yoga prop, sometimes a chair or my couch. I've been under the weather recently, so meditating in bed has been lovely! I've meditated in the morning, the afternoon and a few times late at night. In short, nothing is as I had originally planned and that has set me free. I simply show up and see what happens. And if I miss a day, I know my ego will be growling. But I also know that my ego shouldn't be driving the bus and tomorrow I will show up and start again. 

As always, I'd love to hear about it! Where would loosening your grip serve you? What's something you desperately want more of but you make it so rigid and complicated that it's almost impossible to achieve it? Where do you simply need to show up and let go of the rest? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

P.S. If you want to get this delivered to your inbox every Tuesday, sign up HERE!

Dive Into Comfort


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you pulling on your cutest Fall sweater and heading to your favourite cafe. I'm drinking Green Jasmine Tea this morning and thinking about wearing what makes me feel good.

Last weekend I dug some very cute jeans out of my closet and immediately wondered how I'd forgotten about them. They were so soft and had a decent amount of stretch, so I popped them on to run errands. An hour later with the jeans sliding down my ass and my shirt riding up over my belly, I completely remembered why I had shoved the jeans to the back of the closet. They didn't fit. Or at least, they weren't great when I was trying to do something insane like...move around or walk across the room!

I was so uncomfortable and all I could think was "I'm not walking around like this all day" And then it dawned on me. This is how I used to walk around all the time! I'd wear clothes that were ill fitting and uncomfortable because I had a hard time finding anything else. And honestly, I didn't think I deserved better. Shopping was a painful reminder that my body was a failure and I was obsessed with the number on the label. I'd rather go a size smaller and be uncomfortable than go up to the size that would actually look and feel better on me.

It was an interesting moment of reflection and it made me feel grateful to be in a place where I don't let my size dictate what I can or cannot wear. Shopping for clothing beyond a size 12 is a pain for sure and I do most of my shopping online. But I have had great joy in thinking about the outfits I used to imagine myself in when I'd lost the weight, and finding and wearing them in my size now. It's another way of reminding myself that I am worthy of feeling good. If you want some amazing inspo for this, check out Katie Sturino and her #supersizethelook campaign!

After the jeans debacle, I decided to go through my closet and I realized I had a bunch of clothes in there that I don't wear. I was especially shocked to find a few things that are too small, but I've been hanging onto them anyway. Something I used to do all the time. But honestly, styles will come and go and my body will change, so I'd rather make literal and figurative space for that. 

So I'm clearing out my closet and putting together a bag for the lovely folks over at the YVR Fat Clothing Swap. I love that we have a fat clothing swap in Vancouver and I'm honestly excited that other fat babes will get joy out of the clothes that have been sitting in the back of my closet. Even those damn jeans! They will fit someone like a glove and make them feel amazing! If you're in Vancouver, the swap is happening on October 15th and they are taking donations in advance.

At the end of the day, if you notice you are wearing something that doesn't make you feel good, ditch it! Style is a beautiful form of creative expression, so imagine your dream outfit and then supersize the look! Clothes are meant to fit you, not the other way around. So dig into your closet, keep what makes you feel incredible and let go of the rest. You deserve to feel good this and every season!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What is your relationship with clothes? What makes you feel amazing and how do you express yourself through fashion? What are you going to immediately donate in the name of setting yourself free? Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Don't know where to start? Ask yourself this!


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you looking at the parts of your life that make you feel great. I'm drinking Buckingham Palace Tea this morning and thinking about what I want more of.

Last week I invited you to look at each day as a blank canvas, and I hope you grabbed your paint and let your imagination run wild! I had so many lovely responses to that email, and I'm so happy that you are taking the time to see the possibilities that exist in each and every day.

I also heard (and I feel this too) that a blank canvas can be daunting as hell. I have moments where a wide open space feels liberating and at other times, I feel like I'm standing on the edge of the unknown and I just want to run back to the comfort of what I know.

So this one goes out to you, my friends who need a little help with where to start. Just because you can start each day as a brand new opportunity, that doesn't mean that every day is different. In fact, I think for many of us, routine is key. But what the blank canvas does is offer you the opportunity to pause, reflect on what you've been doing and then to ask yourself..."what do I want more of?"

Life isn't black and white and even if you're going through a heck of a time right now and you feel like you're nowhere near where you want to be, I guarantee you that there is something that is working. Something that makes you feel like you. Something you want more of.

For me, even in some of the worst times of my life, I've had some really good people by my side. I want more time with them. Trips to the tea shop are a simple but extremely happy thing for me. More of that please! Moments of kindness to myself and my body are always welcome and if I'm honest, this one has been a struggle lately. So I'll take more of that please! Laughter and comedy was something I drifted from for a while and I knew I wanted more, so now it's rare that you don't find me either performing or rehearsing with lovely people at least once a week.

In one paragraph, these things sound like a lot and they are. But I chose one thing at a time. When I was grieving my mothers unexpected death, the only thing I was capable of was a hot cup of tea in the morning. But I clung to that comfort until I had room to add something else. Slowly but surely the other things were added in and I'm so happy they are part of my life now. And I want to keep adding things. These days, I want more creativity, more writing, more play, more yoga and more time with the communities I love. So I'll pick one and get going in small steps. Painting my canvas with one little colour at a time. Stepping back and reflecting every day to make sure I'm going in the right direction for me.

Now it's your turn! Pause, close your eyes and think of your life now. Ask yourself what's working and what you want more of. Write it down and pick one thing to get you started. Paint your canvas with purpose and intention, inviting more of the things that make you feel like you. I promise there is already more good than you realize, so let's amplify it!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What do you want more of? How will you invite this into your life every day? Let me know in the comments below

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

grab your paint!


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you asking yourself how you want to feel and where you want to go this Fall. I'm drinking my trusty Irish Breakfast Tea this morning and thinking about treating every day as a blank canvas and I'm loaded down with glorious paint.

I was recently chatting to a friend about how so many of us get caught up in patterns that don't necessarily make us happy. Life is busy. People need us. Capitalism is a bitch. And we're all doing our best as we still navigate a pandemic. So it makes absolute sense to put your head down and just keep going. But what happens when you finally look up and you find yourself somewhere much further away from where you actually want to be? 

I have experienced these moments many times over in my life. It's daunting and sometimes heartbreaking. But ultimately, it has been an eye opening experience that leads to inevitable shifts. Starting my own business came from realizing I would never grow in the way I wanted to if I remained in the yoga studio system. Getting on board with my body came from the pain of floating around in a space of constant judgement and cruelty towards myself. Moving to Vancouver came from the realization that even though I loved the community I had in Alberta, it wasn't taking me where I wanted to go.

Looking around and realizing you may have drifted far from where you want to be is normal. I want you to know that you don't have to stay there. And! You don't have to blow up your life either.

Every moment of every day offers you the space to make choices. What time you wake up, the first thing you do when you roll out of bed, who you see, what you eat, the route you take to work, how often you look at your phone and on and on.

Whether it feels like it or not, every day is a blank canvas for you to paint as you like. So take a moment to imagine your canvas as it is now and then ask yourself what you want it to look and feel like. Ask yourself how you want to feel and what you want to do with your precious time and energy. Who do you want to spend time with? What do you want to create? How do you want to show up for yourself and others?

Knowing how you want to feel and where you want to go is half the battle, so really sit with the questions above. And once you have your answers, decide on one small thing you can do each and every day to get yourself pointed in your happiest direction. It's important to keep this really simple. If you want to move more, move for 5 minutes each day. If you want to write, write fifty words a day. If you want to wake up earlier, wake up 15 minutes earlier rather than setting your alarm for 5am and then feeling like a failure when you drop kick it out the window when it goes off.

Remember that it likely took many tiny moments and decisions to bring you where you are now, and you can take many tiny moments and make small decisions to shift directions. Let yourself enjoy them and don't make it harder than it needs to be. Once you've mastered the first little thing, add another. And then another and another and suddenly you are painting the shit out of that canvas every day! You are the Michelangelo of your own life!

Every day is a blank canvas and a new opportunity to paint your world. So grab your favourite colors and get going!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you painting your canvas? What did you learn when you asked yourself the questions in this email? What's one small step you can take now? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Take a deep breath


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you embracing the shift into September in a way that feels good and exciting to you. I'm drinking Bukhial Assam this morning and thinking about how I want to dive into Fall.

I've spoken to so many of you who feel that September feels like the start of a new year, and I couldn't agree more. However, unlike the feeling of planning, optimism and excited goal setting we might carry into January, September can often feel like it's pulling or even dragging us.

Pulling us away from the Summer, from time off, time with our family, pulling us back to school or work. It doesn't necessarily feel like our choice and we wind up trying to grasp on to a lovely time that has already passed. 

Sometimes I imagine life is like a river, and when I'm fighting my reality, I imagine myself getting dragged along, bumping up against every rock along the way as I try to swim against the current. And then I ask myself what it might feel like to not only go with the current, but to actively dive into it. To move with its power and embrace what I might find there.

What might it feel like to release the Summer and look ahead to a new season? What might it feel like to actively dive in, rather than being dragged against your will? What would you embrace, what would you explore and how would you make this a season of excitement and exploration?

For me, I'm reconnecting with meditation and going inward as a way to honour the season. I'm also exploring movement and breath that invites more heat when I need it. And when I sit with the question of what feels good and exciting to me heading into this season, I imagine a routine that encourages my creativity and sense of play. I'm working on letting go of how I think things should be and opening myself up to what they need to be instead. I anticipate a lot of shedding, balanced with practices that connect me to my body and remind me that I am worthy of love, even when I feel the opposite is true. In short, I'm working on diving into the river, rather than being dragged and bumping along every rock as I go along.

Now it's your turn!

Pause. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. And then ask yourself what you want to move towards with purpose this season.

Is there something new you want to explore or something you want to reconnect with? How can you invite joyful purpose into this season? What do you need to shed in order to embrace everything you need this Fall? How would gently releasing and moving with the current be helpful to you? Taking the energy and mindfulness of basking in the Summer, allow yourself to sit with these questions and really listen to the answers with an open heart.

Let go of your perception of the season, good, bad or otherwise, and let this be a blank slate. You can paint it any way you want to. If you've been feeling stuck, now's the time to shift. Embrace change and see where you go.

And if you want to explore this in a deeper way, join me THIS FRIDAY for DIVE, a two hour workshop on embracing this wonderful season of change. Register HERE!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How do you feel as the Fall rolls in and does the idea of diving excite or scare you? If you could paint your unique picture of joy, purpose and play this Fall, what would that look like? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Missing Summer Already?


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this finds you completely relaxed from an entire month of basking. I'm drinking a Gingia Assam this morning and thinking about taking the lessons of Summer with me.

It's the last week of August. And while your mind may already be on getting back to school or work as Fall rolls in, I'd like you to consider how you might take the lessons of Summer with you.

Outside of enjoying the warmer months and longer days, we often look at Summer as a time to relax and play, which is why it can feel hard when the season starts to change and we have to get "back to reality".

But what if you added more of that Summer energy to your day to day reality? What if you invited basking, pleasure and play to the other seasons of the year?

If you enjoy the heat, how might you add a little heat to your Fall? Maybe it's a more fiery yoga practice or a dance class. Maybe you book a Sunny vacation or a sauna session. 

If you enjoy the element of basking, how can you slow down and find balance in a season that often gets busy? Meditation is a great way to do this or perhaps taking an extra long savasana at the end of a yoga class. You might start a bedtime routine where you take a bath, read a book or simply put on your favourite sheets and bask in how good they feel. Another great way to bask day to day is to do things more mindfully, meaning you invite yourself to be present for each task, even the mundane ones. I've recently switched out my podcasts for ambient music when I cook or do things around the house. I still love my podcasts, but I find it's easier on my often wandering mind to simply focus on one thing at a time. I feel more present and calm, which are a few of the energies of Summer that I love.

And for my friends who want more play in their lives, I invite you to get out in nature and play with the shift in season. Or perhaps you jump into a class you've been wanting to take. Trying something new can be daunting, but so playful as well. Do something just for fun and watch your creative energy surge.

As adults, we are often told that growing up means being serious and letting go of the energy that we had when we were kids. I couldn't disagree more! I think we owe it to ourselves to invite that childlike Summer energy in everyday. This is especially important for my friends who struggle in the colder months of the year. 

So start planning now. Grab a notebook and write down what you love about Summer and how you are planning to take it with you this Fall.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What is your favourite part of Summer? How are you going to invite that in this Fall and what are you most excited about? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Berries and soft serve and pie. oh my!


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you reading this newsletter from the comfort of a lounge chair or beach blanket. I'm drinking Bukhial Assam this morning and thinking about the joy of Summer foods!

Last week I invited you to celebrate and bask in your body. And this week is a very important extension of that. Because this week (drumroll please!) I want you to bask in the joy of food!

If you have now or have previously had a challenging relationship with food, you are not alone. It's almost impossible to live in this day and age without getting caught under the thumb of diet culture. Even more so when you live in a big body. In a big body, eating almost anything is seen as a failure or a lack of willpower or care for yourself. When I was young, I trained myself to very rarely eat in public and if I did, I would try to eat less than my smaller friends. I would also skip dessert and then buy candy bars on the way home. It all felt so shameful. And even after all these years and all my hard work, I'm still learning how to eat out in the world. My partner and I sometimes like to get a slice of pizza and sit at a lovely viewpoint, and I can get a little squirmy assuming that people are thinking "of course she's sitting down and eating pizza rather than sprinting up this trail like she should be."

The reality is that while some people may have those kinds of thoughts, most people really don't care what I'm getting up to. And even if they did, that's none of my business. I love having a little snack while hanging out with my guy and looking at a beautiful view. So I keep doing it! 

And even more importantly, the act of doing it anyway has made those squirmy moments few and far between. Because for the most part, I have healed my relationship with food. I think food is magic. And reconnecting with it has been one of the great joys on my journey towards body acceptance. No longer hiding or counting every little thing I put into my mouth has been incredibly freeing. It's also allowed me to reconnect with the food I love.

In the Summer, basking in food includes fresh berries, soft serve ice cream, pie from a little market on the side of the road when we take a road trip up North, and corn on the freaking cob!! I also love fresh Summer produce (heirloom tomatoes, anyone?) and a late night burger after doing a comedy show. This Summer, I have been chasing the Disco Biscuits donut bike around the sea wall when I want a sweet treat. And by chasing, I mean I find out where they are and send my partner on his bike. :)

What about you? Do you love a picnic in the park, a barbeque with your friends or sitting on the outdoor patio of your favourite restaurant? No matter what it is, I invite you to really savour the joy, pleasure and connection that can come from a delicious meal or snack. You are allowed to enjoy your food. You are allowed to feel pleasure and freedom when you eat. There's no shame in loving your food! So take a moment to think about your favourite Summer foods and then plan to have at least one of them this week. 

Will you gather your people and make it a group hang, or do you imagine yourself berry picking and eating fresh berries before making jam or pie afterwards? Are you excited to take a picnic to the park or put on something cute and go for high tea? Or maybe you love heading to the farmers market, grabbing a cup of coffee and finding your favourite produce so that you can cook yourself a delicious meal. 

There's no wrong way to do it. Find what lights you up and follow that. I'm here if you need moral support and I'm sending you tons of love if this is hard for you. It was hard for me too at first. Baby steps. You got this!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you basking in the joy of food this Summer? What are your favourite recipes, restaurants and Summer produce? What foods light you up? Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Quick! Grab a cupcake and a Cone Hat!


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you thinking of how amazing your body is. I'm drinking my favourite chai in the city this morning and thinking about all the ways I want to love and celebrate my body.

As we roll into the middle of this month of basking, lazing, lolling, sunbathing, floating and anything else that makes you feel like you are soaking it all in, I hope you will take the time to bask in your body.

And before you start to run through the list of things you feel you need to change, I want to remind you that sinking into and celebrating your body, does not require that you love every little thing about it. Think about the people you love most fiercely in your life. Those people you would do anything for and who you would celebrate every day of the week if you could. I guarantee you none of them are perfect and you don't expect them to be. Same goes for your body. I want you to get to a place where you love it fiercely and celebrate it often.

For many years, I only saw my body as a disappointment. Something I needed to change in order to fit in and be loveable. The idea of celebrating it without it being what society wanted it to be was inconceivable to me. But as the years have passed and my intentions and perspectives have changed, I now absolutely want to celebrate every inch of my body, even on the days when I'm not so happy in it.

I celebrate it with delicious food, with walks in nature, especially taking my shoes off in the grass or on the sand. I celebrate it by moving in ways that make me happy and wearing clothes that fit comfortably and reflect my style and mood in each moment. I celebrate it with massage and extra long sleep-ins, and also by hopping on stage without hiding or trying to shrink myself. I celebrate with lovely smelling creams and gentle self touch. I celebrate it with sex. I thank it often and I look at myself in the mirror naked every single day, without shame. 

No, I don't love everything about my body. But I am fiercely protective of it and I know it deserves my respect. I can't control what other people think or how they react to me, but I can give my body all the love and respect I withheld for so long. And hell yeah, I can give it a party! 

I often hear people talk about listing all the things your body does for you as a way of connecting to and celebrating it. And while I agree this can be lovely if it calls to you, I will also say that you don't need to do that to feel worthy of celebrating. Your body doesn't have to do anything. You can celebrate it because it exists and it's part of you. Fat, thin, young, old, differently abled, sick, well, aching, tired or full of energy. You can and should celebrate it all. 

So take a moment, preferably with a cup of tea in hand and think about what feels fun and luxurious to you. How do you want to bask in the wonder of your body? Make a list, pop it somewhere you can see it, and then see how many amazing things you can check off this month.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you celebrating your body? What does it feel like to invite in that fierce love and let go of constant judgement? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Slow All The Way Down And Explore


Hello there! I hope this week finds you reading this newsletter from a reclined position. Whether you're enjoying a lazy Summer break or taking a cheeky personal day, remember that you deserve rest! I'm drinking Irish Breakfast tea this morning and thinking about how I used to believe that being anything less than extremely busy was a failure.

We're still basking over here at Fat+Happy headquarters (aka: my living room) as I've been off from teaching for one week. And even though I'm still working on projects and planning for Fall (did you sign up yet??), I'm really encouraging myself to work at a gentle pace and to take breaks and prioritize rest as much as possible.

I'm not going to lie, this isn't easy for me. And it's not that I don't love a good sit down or lie down, because I absolutely do! It's that I often can't get into a relaxed state because I'm thinking about what I "should" be doing, especially since I run my own business and there's always something to work on. 

When I first moved to Vancouver, I almost immediately had three jobs on top of running around town auditioning and looking for an agent. I was very proud of my hustle, and I loved to brag that I could be out until 3 or 4am and get up at 8. Oh my god, even typing that makes me want a nap! And while there's so much about those years I wouldn't change for anything, I would love to go back and tell myself that there's absolutely nothing wrong with getting a good night's sleep and maybe only having two jobs. That I didn't need to feel guilty taking time to simply be still or enjoy doing nothing.

Guilt is such a tricky monster, but I have learned that it's hard to know what you want and need if you never slow down to ask. So I'm slowing down and continuing to explore our theme of basking this month. Not only as a way to check in and ask myself how I'm doing, but also to simply enjoy being. Sometimes it looks like a lazy stroll or a guided meditation and sometimes it's watching cozy British murder mysteries with a cup of tea and a cookie next to me. Yes, the guilt still pops up from time to time, but I know that I really want a life that has ample time for slowing down, so I'm having one dammit! 

So now it's your turn! How's your month of basking going so far? How are you honouring rest and space when you need it? Do you take time away from screens and allow yourself to simply be? You deserve the space to rest, reflect and slow all the way down.

And if you need a little help, I've got you covered with a new meditation for sunbathing over on the Patreon. Grab your headphones and your beach blanket and I'll see you there! 

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What is your relationship with rest and how do you prioritize it in your life? What's your favourite way to slow down and how do you feel afterwards? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Ready To Enjoy August? Me Too!


Hello there! It's the first of August and I hope this week finds you looking at the month ahead as an opportunity to bask in all of the wonderful work you've been doing. I'm drinking a matcha latte this morning and thinking about the importance of celebrating our wins.

Last week I invited you to make a list of all the things you like about yourself, and to share with your friends the things you like about yourselves and each other. I hope this was a fun exercise that you will turn into a daily habit. We so often think of healthy habits as these huge and sometimes daunting undertakings. But what an amazing thing to make a habit of being nice to yourself each and every day of your life. I for one, am in!

And in the name of exploring easeful and pleasurable habits, the month of August is all about BASKING in our wins! If you are a member of the Patreon, you're getting a video this week where I go into more detail on this theme and how you might apply it to your life. Whoop!

I love hearing from so many of you that you're out there doing the hard work of being kinder to yourselves and kinder in the world. I also know that many of you are working on your relationship with your body, your right to pleasure and play, and you've been exploring and applying our themes from June and July. Themes of reclaiming Summer, reclaiming yourself, setting boundaries and expanding into the space you take up.

This is such valuable and hard work. I know your successes are hard won. So before we dive into growing even more this Fall, I want you to reflect on how far you've come, give yourself a big internal high five and then let yourself bask in the wonder that is you. 

If you're struggling to picture what basking might look like for you, some beautiful words associated with bask are: laze, lie, lounge, relax, sprawl, loll (I love this one!), sunbathe, warm oneself, revel, luxuriate, wallow, delight, take pleasure, rejoice, glory, indulge oneself, enjoy, relish, savor, lap up, get a kick out of, get a thrill out get the beautiful indulgent picture!

Read those again slowly. Notice how you feel in your body with each word. Which ones jump out at you? There are almost enough there for a word each day this month, so why not let yourself play? You might lie on the beach or in a park and reflect on where you are now and how cool it is that you made it this far and are continuing to grow. You might take yourself on a date to celebrate your hard work and remind yourself that you are worth it. You could head to the pool or the ocean and float, basking in the sun and nature. There's really no wrong way to do this. You might take five minutes a day and that's great! It's all about what feels good to you.

I really do believe that taking the time to celebrate our wins and bask in where we are now is not only a great way to recharge and be present, but it's also extremely helpful in inspiring us to keep going. 

I'm really excited for this month and I hope you are too. Now pat yourself on the back, grab a cup of tea and start thinking on how this month can be one of basking.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you planning to bask in your own glory this month? Which words jumped out at you most and how are you going to apply them? Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

It's About To Get Uncomfortable!


Hello there! I hope this week finds you reminding yourself that you are amazing! I'm drinking Irish Breakfast tea this morning and thinking about the things I like about myself.

I recently saw a friend of mine and as I walked up to them in the restaurant, I said "you look great!" and their response was "I know, right?". And it weirdly gave me pause. I thought it was strange that they were agreeing with me. But they did look great, so why did it feel strange to me?

When I was growing up, it was considered socially unacceptable or strange to say things you liked about yourself. People who had good things to say about themselves were considered full of themselves or "big headed'. I'm smiling as I write this because I remember the meaningful glances people would give each other when someone in the room was talking about themselves in a positive way.

So why do we feel weird about it? Why when someone tells us that we look great do we respond with things like "Oh, you're kind. I haven't slept in a week!" or "Oh, this old dress? I've had it forever." or even "No YOU look great! I'm a garbage person who just crawled out of the sewers". Okay, the last one was for dramatic effect, but you take my point.

Why does it feel like we are breaking a social contract when we pump ourselves up? Because...we kind of are. In my experience, it is easier and more comfortable to say what you feel you need to work on or to point out where you are lacking. Like it or not, it's a way that we bond, especially as women. It's comforting to realize that we are not alone in our struggles or in feeling some kind of way about our appearance. We also don't want to appear like we think we are better than other people.

But here's the thing! We are all great. Yes, YOU ARE GREAT! So why not acknowledge and even celebrate it? I'm inviting you to flip the script and the next time someone says something great about you or compliments you, I want you to agree with them! We need to start training ourselves and each other to celebrate the things we like about ourselves. Because there will always be things we want to work on, but it's important to know that you are enough as you are. And it's so wonderful to sit with yourself and say "here are the things I like about myself" and then list them off. 

And the next time you're hanging out with your friends, why not go around the group and each list something you like about yourselves? I guarantee that even though it might feel awkward at first, it will ultimately feel so good and you will cheer each other on! You could even circle around again and say something you like about each other. How uplifting!

If this resonates with you, grab a cup of tea and journal and list everything you like about yourself. Set a ten minute timer so that you don't give up after five seconds. Really sit with yourself and I guarantee there will be more than you think. Have fun with it and begin to celebrate wonderful you!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! Have you historically struggled with saying positive things about yourself? Have you found it easier to say what you don't like or what you need to work on? I'd also love to hear what you like about yourself and how it feels to pump yourself up. Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Tired of Putting Yourself Last?


Hello there! I hope this week finds you reminding yourself that you are allowed to put yourself first. I'm drinking Malty Breakfast Assam this morning and thinking about how putting myself before others makes me feel very selfish. And then frustrated. And then angry. And then guilty. And get the point.

I was recently making some scheduling plans for late Summer, and I kept bumping against what I wanted to do and what I felt I should do. I would think about what I wanted and needed, and my body would give me a "hell yes!" feeling, and then I would almost immediately backtrack and start thinking about how this might affect other people.

Yes, I could take the time I need for me. BUT! If I just pushed myself to do this little thing and that little project, then these other people would be happy. And I love making people happy. So much so that I will allow my own needs to fall right to the bottom of the pile. And over time I start to resent those people I made happy, thinking "well, well, well....must be nice to be you! You must be thrilled that you're getting what you want while I'm over here depleted and now a husk of my former self!". Yeah. Grumpy depleted Helen is also incredibly dramatic. 

The funny thing is that nine times out of ten, nobody asked me to go above and beyond or to abandon my own plans. They simply asked me to do something that I could easily have said no to. These lovely people are in their own world with no idea that I'm stewing at home, slowly becoming a super villain, forged in the fires of doing more than I was asked and then being pissed about it.

So I've recently been asking myself why I do this. Why do I go beyond what I'm able to do and then feel resentful? Yes, I really do like to support people and collaborate and help out where I can, but I can do that without putting my needs last. Ultimately, I discovered that while I feel like other people deserve rest and support and space, I feel terribly guilty when I take it for myself. Because I don't believe I'm worthy of it. Ooph! After a decade of working on loving myself and yelling at you to love yourselves, this is a hard pill to swallow.

So the challenge I'm now setting myself is carving out time anyway. Allowing myself the space that I need and saying no to things that will overextend me. I know the guilt will creep in, but I also know that when I do say yes to things, it will be with my whole heart. In short, I'm not waiting to feel worthy, I am going to show myself that I am worthy by giving myself and my body what I need. 

If this is something you struggle with, then I challenge you to sit with yourself (obviously have a lovely cup of tea in hand) and ask yourself when and why you don't allow yourself to come first. Why you feel that everyone else matters more than you. This is an uncomfortable conversation, especially for women who are pretty much taught that we are here to serve others. But you deserve to dig in and get to know what makes you tick. 

When you allow yourself to be worthy and to put yourself first, you are even better when it's time to show up for others. And more importantly, you learn how to show up for you. 

As always, I'd love to hear about it! Is putting yourself first something you have struggled with? How do you move past it and remind yourself that you are worthy of being a priority? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Seven Little Words to Transform Your Life


Hello there! I hope this week finds you reminding yourself that you can always be on the lookout for the good stuff in life. I'm drinking Irish Breakfast tea (one of the very good things in my life) and thinking about how I want to expand.

This month over on the Fat+Happy Patreon, the theme is EXPANSION. Ever since I stopped desperately trying to shrink my body, I'm obsessed with what it means to expand. My body has expanded, not just in terms of size, but also in the way I hold myself. I love to spread out when I sit and I walk so much more confidently than I used to. I'm not hiding from the space I take up.

I've spent the past decade asking myself what's possible in the body I have, rather than an imagined version of myself. I'm also asking myself what expansion looks like as a woman in her forties, fifties and beyond. These questions were tentative at first and sometimes colored by the fat phobia and ageism I'd picked up over the years (always a treat to unpack those things!). But as I continue to ask, the process gets easier and the answers get more exciting.

As a result, some of the things I've done and didn't think were possible include teaching yoga, leading teacher trainings, filming, performing, taking classes, traveling solo, wearing a bikini in public, creating a podcast, cooking, saying no, napping joyfully, skinny dipping, flying in a float plane, kayaking, making new friends, hiking, and writing regularly...specifically this weekly newsletter. 

I used to tell myself that I needed to look a certain way and probably be younger, but all that did was shrink my world. When I began asking "what if?", the possibilities got bigger and bigger and suddenly "what if?" became "why not?!".

So ask yourself "what if?', or better yet, stand up right now and shout "SHOW ME HOW GOOD IT CAN GET!". This fantastic phrase came from my wonderful friend and podcast co-host, Stephanie Archer. In one of our episodes, I asked her if she had a mantra or catch phrase, and this is what she shared. I've started using it in my own life, especially when I'm saying no to myself or talking myself out of something I really want to try. Instead of listing all the reasons it might not work or how I'll probably hate it, I say "show me how good it can get!". 

And while I can't ultimately control the outcome, I'm so down for this more expansive and joyful approach. I believe that your life should expand over time, and asking yourself how good it can get every single day is a great place to start!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you expanding? What does it feel like to let go of societal limits and give yourself permission to grow and explore? Do you have a mantra that kick-starts your day? Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

Tired of feeling small?


Hello there! I hope this week finds you thinking about grabbing your life and living it for you. I'm drinking chai this morning and thinking about my Mom and her extremely adventurous spirit.

Today marks the 14th anniversary of my mother's death. I can't believe it's been so long and yet it manages to feel so fresh sometimes. Now I could go into the many ways that she was a fantastic human (she made me, after all!), but the thing that sticks out to me today was her extremely adventurous spirit and her desire to live and enjoy her life.

My Mom was shy. She didn't like being the centre of attention and public speaking was up there on her list with being boiled in oil. Zero interest! She was also from a small Welsh town where you kind of went along with the plan of marriage, kids and then work until you retire and hang out with your grandkids.

BUT! At her heart she was someone who wanted to explore, to learn and to live a big life. She decided we should make a change and so we packed up and moved to Canada in 1990. She felt right at home near the rocky mountains (nothing like a small Welsh woman rocking a cowboy hat)! And even though leaving everything we had known was very hard, she felt in her bones that there was more out there and she wanted to find it.

She stretched her comfort zones and expanded in ways I don't think she imagined. She used to drag my terrified father on any and every roller coaster she could find. She took half days from work to go and watch vampire movie marathons with my younger brother. She came to Vancouver and took me on a whale watching tour where she screamed "YES" every time an orca popped up. She loved road trips, the rodeo and Motown. And we weren't allowed to be near the ocean without sticking our feet in it (I still do this every time I get near the water). On her last birthday, she again dragged my terrified father onto a helicopter where they flew into the Grand Canyon. 

None of this stuff was necessarily easy for her because she was still a shy Welsh girl who had been told many times to stay in her lane. But she wanted to live her life on her terms. And I think she did. She was continuing to grow and step outside of her comfort zone and I can only imagine what she would have done (and how many more times she would have freaked my Dad out) if she was still here. Inside this shy woman was the soul of a lion.

Her death was unexpected and I think if there was a silver lining to be found it's that she wasn't waiting to do the things she wanted to do. She was grabbing life where she could and the spark that came with it was palpable. If she had waited for the perfect time or for retirement, it never would have come.

She was allowed to break the rules that were laid out for her and I'm so glad she did. I feel like it's given me permission to do the same. To live my life and love my body and go for the things I want, even when it's not what I'm "supposed" to do.

So in honor of my Mom today, think of something you really want to do but have been holding back from. And then go for it! Stop waiting for the perfect time because your life is happening now and you deserve to live it. Step off the beaten path and blaze your own trail! I promise she will be there cheering you on. And so will I.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What is your soul aching for and how can you move towards it? How do you remind yourself that you are worthy of expanding and living your dreams, even when it goes against the grain? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

You Can't Go Back


Hello there! I hope this week finds you reminding yourself that you are always evolving. I'm drinking a matcha latte this morning and thinking about how I used to ache to be my younger, thinner self.

I was just listening to this episode of The Ten Percent Happier podcast, and the guest was sharing how she used to be a marathon runner and has since struggled with lyme disease, chronic fatigue and has also had a baby. Her life has shifted in huge ways and sometimes she laments the person who used to run every day, without fail. The host talked about wishing he was in the same kind of shape he was in twenty years ago, and this made me think about how my Dad often tells me he wants to get back to the weight he was over thirty years ago. THIRTY. YEEEEEARS!

I am not immune to this longing. I spent years wishing and scrambling to get back to the body I had in my early twenties. I sometimes lament how I was more social back then. I used to go out most nights dancing, to the pub or to watch live theatre. I even pop on those rose colored glasses and miss the very bad dates and hungover mornings. It can be nice to look back, but not if it's making you reject the person you are now.

Because no matter how much time you spend looking over your shoulder, you are inevitably moving forward. You are different today than you were yesterday, let alone ten, twenty or thirty years ago. Yes, you can examine the qualities you admired in yourself (last week's newsletter was all about that), but how those qualities will show up today is likely very different. And that's a good thing. Because guess what? You've grown! You know more, you've experienced things and you've lived your life for more years on this planet.

When I miss being thinner and younger, I ultimately miss feeling like people were pleased with me (damn the patriarchy!) and like my entire life was ahead of me. My Dad misses being someone who went jogging over the mountain behind our house every night after work. He misses the discipline, the challenge and the bragging rights. Totally fair! 

I think rather than judging who we are now, the question we can ask is "how can I invite that feeling in now?", "What would that look like at this stage of my life?", and more importantly "do I actually want that thing now?". I know for a fact that I don't want to be insane about food and exercise. I also love staying in and being cozy at home. I've changed and that's a good thing. And I resent that I still want people to be pleased with me sometimes, so I'm working on giving less shits, to be honest. And when I look at things that way, I like who I am and who I'm working on becoming.

We are all evolving. So what do you want to evolve into? Look forward, ask yourself how you want to feel and what you want to experience at this stage of your life. If you are reading this, then you are alive and it is not too late to change if that's what you want. You cannot go back. So move forward with an open heart and see where that takes you.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! Do you ever lament who you were many years ago and does it affect how you see yourself now? What are you looking forward to and how have you evolved already? What are you celebrating about this phase of your life? Respond in the comments and let me know.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

What Are You Reclaiming?


Hello there! I hope this week finds you reminding yourself that you have the power to change. I'm drinking Irish Breakfast tea this morning and thinking about reclaiming my body and my life.

Do you ever find yourself thinking back to when you were younger and missing certain parts of yourself? For me, it's all the way back to when I was a kid who was absolutely fearless. I loved moving my body, going outside and zipping around on my bike or my roller skates without a helmet (oh, the unsafe eighties).

I can still feel the wind on my face as I whipped down hills and pushed my body to the limit in the name of fun and freedom.

And while I recognize that part of being a kid is a joyful lack of fear and mortality, I also know that some of those parts of me were taken with every shitty comment and side eye as my body got bigger. Every disappointed family member or nasty classmate joke sent me further into myself and away from the things that made me happy.

Those moments hurt me deeply and as a child, I didn't know how to stick up for myself or let those things roll off my back. Even as an adult, I spent many years doing things that were basically one big apology for existing in my body.


As time passed and the direction of my life changed, I discovered the joy of calling my younger self back and reclaiming what was missing. These days, I am reclaiming pleasure in movement and exploring what it means to love my body and all it does for me. I am reclaiming bathing suits and getting in the water. I am reclaiming my joy for life and my passion for the outdoors. I am reclaiming (pause for nervous throat clearing) fearlessness.

And of course this looks different than it did thirty years ago, but it's so much fun to ask myself what I want now and to give myself a resounding YES to the things my heart desires. 

Now it's your turn!

What parts of yourself are you missing? This might be from childhood, your teens, your twenties or beyond. What are you ready to reclaim in the name of your happiness and your growth? They are right there. So don't be shy. Grab them and reclaim your right to live a life of unapologetic joy. 

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What parts of you are you reclaiming and why are they important to you? How does it feel to call yourself back to a time and place when you felt most free? Respond in the comments below and let me know.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

your body is your home


Hello there! I hope this week finds you taking some time to connect with yourself and your body in a way that feels good to you. I'm drinking Rose Black tea this morning and thinking about what it means to be at home in my body.

I was making a smoothie this morning and part way through grabbing the ingredients and tossing them into the blender, a bag of chips caught my eye (hello delicious salty breakfast) and I went "mmmmmm...I'll have those". So I stood there snacking while the blender did its thing. And as I was tossing the bag back up on the fridge, it struck me how easeful the moment was. I had a craving, I grabbed a handful and then I got back to what I was doing. If you have ever struggled with dieting and disordered eating, you know why this is a big deal.

Not too many years ago, this moment would have been entirely different. Fraught with "I shouldn't. I don't need those. I'm already making a smoothie and it's what I'm supposed to have. Why did I even let chips in the house? I need to put them in the trash..." and on and on.

My mind was never peaceful, especially where food and my body were involved. My inner monologue was a relentless reminder that I was failing and my body had to be different. And honestly, I was used to that. That was the norm. Apologizing for my body and repeatedly trying to "fix" it were a huge part of my life and I never really expected that to change.

Until it did. :)

I'd love to tell you that I made the bold decision to love myself as is, but honestly I was just tired and sort of half heartedly scouting around for a diet that would be less mean to me. When I realized that all diets are assholes and it was time to break up, that was hard too. So much so that when I made the decision to let go and be in this body, as it is now, I felt unmoored and totally freaked out.

But over time and with lots of work and self love practices, things started to change. I didn't have clammy hands as I walked around the candy aisle at Shoppers, I didn't feel sad when my belly would get in the way in yoga, I didn't mind if you could see my actual shape under my clothes and I started to feel more like myself. I was living for me and not for a version of me that didn't even exist yet. It's freeing and I'm emotional just thinking about it.

The road to being at home in my body is a long and winding one and far more complicated than I can outline in this newsletter. But I will tell you that if you are struggling in your body, you are not alone. Your body is not the problem. Your body is your home and you deserve to be happy in it. You are the one who has to live in it, after all. You deserve to look around at all the unique things that make it all yours and say "yeah. it's not perfect and it doesn't need to be. I'm happy here."

And that is out there for you. If you are on the conveyor belt of diets and self hate, invite yourself to step off. Let go of the things that make you feel like you are not enough and move in the direction of things that light you up. The more you add in (new hobbies, hanging with awesome friends, exploring fat positive social media, trying foods you're excited about, cooking a new recipe, taking a trip, reading all the good books, exploring body positive practices and uplifting movement), the less room you will have for diet culture garbage and that's a very good thing. :)

And if you want some help along the way, I'm here! My awesome friend Sus and I are back with our Homebody series this Fall. These monthly workshops aim to support you in feeling at home in your body so that you can live your life more freely and expansively. Check out the details HERE.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

take a cue from the kids in your life


Hello there! I hope this week finds you heading into August with a spring in your step and a plan for a few personal (read: beach) days! I'm sipping Buckingham Palace Tea this morning and thinking about how a sense of play can change everything.

As we come to the end of our Summer Full Bodied Yoga series (thank you to everyone who came out!), we have been exploring the idea of play and how it can not only liven up our practice, it can also free us up to take risks and flirt with curiosity.

Being playful is pretty easy for me. I grew up in a very fun and silly household and I love to make jokes and find the lightness in things. I'm annoyingly into birthdays, holidays and any excuse to celebrate or send a card. I've definitely encountered my share of pushback from people and even had moments where I thought I should "grow up" and be more serious. But honestly, life is serious enough. I'm good with celebrating and enjoying every moment I can.

I'm also learning how to employ play when I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone and exploring things that are new and/or challenging.

In our Summer series, the focus has been on what it looks like to embrace this season. And while this is unique to everyone, for me it has been a journey of finding ways to embrace the heat, bringing myself back to the water, wearing fun and light things that don't have me melting, and taking down time before things get busy in the Fall.

One of the big ways I found myself embracing Summer last year was going to my local outdoor pool at least once a week. I would sit on my beautiful beach towel and then bobble around (honestly, bobble is the best way to describe it) in the water. As soon as I let go of the idea that I needed to look a certain way or that I should show up to do laps, it became about the simple act of enjoying the water and the sunshine. I allowed myself to play and I felt so free.

Playfulness is often associated with childishness, but I disagree. You can be incredibly (and very adultly!) serious about something while still inviting play as a way to keep things fresh and creative without overthinking the outcome or possibly even talking yourself out of something.

Being playful can help you through a difficult yoga class or when you're trying to master a pose. Being playful can help when you are planning a trip or getting ready for a first date. It can be there when you are exploring going back to school or changing careers. It can be there when you want to take on an art project or a hobby. It focuses on experience over outcome and really invites us to be in the present moment, which ultimately means we are experiencing our life as it happens. Win!

So let yourself play. Especially if you're holding back on exploring the things that might make you very happy. Be a kid and enjoy the moment.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo

That's one bold spreadsheet!


Hello there! I hope this week finds you taking up space in places you used to shrink yourself. I'm sipping Scottish Breakfast Tea this morning and thinking about what it means to be bold.

I don't consider myself a particularly bold person. When I was a kid, maybe. But now I'm more cautious and I love a plan, or better yet, a colour-coded spreadsheet with said plan on it! I used to get down on myself for this and I still do sometimes. I felt like it was a failing on my part, that I was the embodiment of an un-fun person.

But what I have come to understand is that this structure is simply what I need in order to take bold steps in my life.

A few weeks ago I talked about feeling confronted and the questions we can ask ourselves when difficult feelings arise. For me, an almost inevitable part of embodying boldness is a pattern of fear, confrontation, self talk, planning (heck yeah a spreadsheet!) and then I move forward. These are the foundations I need so that I can feel a sense of safety as I make the bold move and feel confident in it.

From the outside looking in (especially in the days of social media), we can sometimes get the sense that to be bold, you just go for it. You don't think, you do. You believe in yourself enough to take the leap, consequences be damned! And while I love the excitement and drama of this narrative, it's not mine and I don't think it's most other people's either.

I wanted to try surfing so I took a lesson, cooking and baking generally require a specific recipe I can follow before I slowly start to wander with my ingredients list, exploring clothes that didn't hide my entire body meant wearing them around the house first, teaching yoga required training well beyond the minimum requirement followed by planning my classes to such a specific degree that I wouldn't allow myself to deviate.

Over time, I gain confidence and don't need to do things in the same way. These days I'll happily roll onto (and usually directly off) a surf board, cooking feels less frantic, I'm happy wearing clothes that I love and don't hide me, and I could drop and teach a yoga class this second if you needed me to. But in order for that confidence to land, I needed to create a safe container where I could try and possibly fail. It's not flashy, but it works for me.

Yes, I've caught myself using my planning to a degree that hampers my progress but I think the biggest shift for me has come over the past year where I stopped telling myself that I needed to be someone different. Someone who leaps without looking and does it gloriously well. Once I accepted that this is who I am and I don't need to apologize for it, things started to move forward and I used my little containers to carry me.

You can be bold. You just need to do it in a way that makes you feel good. That might be simply going for it or it might be a pro con list that dovetails into a nice spreadsheet. That's up to you!

Be your absolute lovely self and see what happens. To me, that is the boldest thing of all.

As you move through this week, be bold and remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo