
Ready To Enjoy August? Me Too!


Hello there! It's the first of August and I hope this week finds you looking at the month ahead as an opportunity to bask in all of the wonderful work you've been doing. I'm drinking a matcha latte this morning and thinking about the importance of celebrating our wins.

Last week I invited you to make a list of all the things you like about yourself, and to share with your friends the things you like about yourselves and each other. I hope this was a fun exercise that you will turn into a daily habit. We so often think of healthy habits as these huge and sometimes daunting undertakings. But what an amazing thing to make a habit of being nice to yourself each and every day of your life. I for one, am in!

And in the name of exploring easeful and pleasurable habits, the month of August is all about BASKING in our wins! If you are a member of the Patreon, you're getting a video this week where I go into more detail on this theme and how you might apply it to your life. Whoop!

I love hearing from so many of you that you're out there doing the hard work of being kinder to yourselves and kinder in the world. I also know that many of you are working on your relationship with your body, your right to pleasure and play, and you've been exploring and applying our themes from June and July. Themes of reclaiming Summer, reclaiming yourself, setting boundaries and expanding into the space you take up.

This is such valuable and hard work. I know your successes are hard won. So before we dive into growing even more this Fall, I want you to reflect on how far you've come, give yourself a big internal high five and then let yourself bask in the wonder that is you. 

If you're struggling to picture what basking might look like for you, some beautiful words associated with bask are: laze, lie, lounge, relax, sprawl, loll (I love this one!), sunbathe, warm oneself, revel, luxuriate, wallow, delight, take pleasure, rejoice, glory, indulge oneself, enjoy, relish, savor, lap up, get a kick out of, get a thrill out get the beautiful indulgent picture!

Read those again slowly. Notice how you feel in your body with each word. Which ones jump out at you? There are almost enough there for a word each day this month, so why not let yourself play? You might lie on the beach or in a park and reflect on where you are now and how cool it is that you made it this far and are continuing to grow. You might take yourself on a date to celebrate your hard work and remind yourself that you are worth it. You could head to the pool or the ocean and float, basking in the sun and nature. There's really no wrong way to do this. You might take five minutes a day and that's great! It's all about what feels good to you.

I really do believe that taking the time to celebrate our wins and bask in where we are now is not only a great way to recharge and be present, but it's also extremely helpful in inspiring us to keep going. 

I'm really excited for this month and I hope you are too. Now pat yourself on the back, grab a cup of tea and start thinking on how this month can be one of basking.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you planning to bask in your own glory this month? Which words jumped out at you most and how are you going to apply them? Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo