
Celebrate your life


Hello there! I hope this week finds you buying yourself flowers (or whatever equivalent brightens your day). I'm sipping Assam this morning and thinking about how many things I can celebrate in a day/week/year!

Last week was my birthday and I kid you not when I say that I got choked up on a walk while thinking about how lucky I am for all the lovely people in my life.

Unless you've been happily hiding under some sort of magical rock, you know that life is not easy. If the past few years have taught us anything, it's that you can't take anything for granted. Life can change in an instant and that's why it's important to enjoy the present moment in any way possible. Am I asking you to smile all day or put on fake happiness when you're not feeling it? Absolutely not. Though if you want to smile all day, be my guest and enjoy how people in your vicinity will become increasingly concerned.

Look, I know there are people out there who roll eyes at celebrating birthdays as an adult but honestly celebrating yourself, and others, is simply another more cake-fuelled way of having a gratitude list. I also don't think we need to wait for a birthday or anniversary to celebrate. Yes, the big things are important and fun to celebrate. But so are the small things. The everyday things that you might be taking for granted.

So, what might it look like to celebrate more? Honestly, my weird emotional sidewalk moment was a small celebration of the people in my life. One of my good friends always feels like her day is brighter when she stops for a "fancy coffee" on her way to work. Celebration. I like to walk out to an area by the water that my Mom really liked when she visited me here years ago. Celebration. Dance party with friends in person or over zoom. Celebration. A tattoo that you've been wanting for a long time. Celebration. Laughing with your kids and really taking in the moment. Celebration. Every time I make a delicious cup of tea that makes me do a shoulder shimmy. Celebration! Celebration! Celebration!

If you think about a small thing worth celebrating today, pause and be in that feeling. How can you celebrate that you are here in this moment? You matter. Your life matters and you deserve to celebrate in any way and as often as possible.

Life is short, friends. Don't convince yourself that you don't have time to acknowledge the good things.

Now please, go forth and do the thing that makes you happy. And I really hope you'll consider daily celebrations for at least this week and hopefully beyond.

As you move through this week and discover the ways to celebrate yourself and your life, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo