
Before you get pulled into the orbit of a new year, remember!


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you going inward and tending to your own fire (have I ever typed something more woo woo than that? Probably not!). I'm drinking Earl Grey Tea this morning and thinking about giving my attention to the right things.

Many years ago, an extremely kind and generous friend took me to the Miraj Spa in Vancouver. I had no idea what to expect, but I ended up in a beautiful scented sauna, followed by a naked scrub down (this was pre my body acceptance days, so I thought I might keel over!), a massage, a facial, all wrapped up with tea and a sweet in the comfy lounge.

It was magnificent and I remember thinking "I have never felt so beautiful". I felt like a goddess. I knew without a doubt that this would be radiating out of me and that everyone who had the gift of seeing me that day would be blown away by my ethereal beauty. What a gift to the world!

Ten minutes later, I passed a window on the way home and caught my reflection. I I had been dragged through a bush backwards. I looked like someone who had just been steamed and scrubbed, and possibly thrown in the dryer for good measure. Friends, I looked like shit. But I don't know if I have ever felt better.

In class this week, we're focusing on letting go of the external and focusing our attention inward. This can be especially challenging with a physical activity because we are so often taught that it's the aesthetic that counts. This is why so many workout studios have mirrors in them (spare me!) and why we are taught to focus on the outcome, a goal that lies somewhere in the future.

But going inward and focusing on how you feel can be far more potent. It allows you to check in with how you feel both physically and beyond. I think we have all had that experience where we might look good on the outside, but inside it's another story. Feeling good on the inside and focusing on how to care for yourself from the inside out is personal, and it forces you to let go of trying to please anyone other than yourself. It allows you to put yourself first and to get to the root of what you need.

You couldn't have paid me to change a thing about that day at the spa. At a time in my life where I really did believe that being thin was the answer to all my problems, it was a revelation to realize that I could feel so incredible while looking absolutely wild on the outside. I didn't know it then, but it was possibly my first glimpse into the power of changing my mind and not my body. I'm so grateful.

And while I don't generally get the luxury of a spa experience, I have found many ways to tap into that incredible feeling. Lately I'm finding it with a little heat and sweat. Sometimes I find it on stage, or sitting with my favourite people over a cup of tea. I often find it in my classes when I'm reminding all of you of your power too. The ripple effect is potent.

So let yourself go inward this week. Ask your body, your heart and your soul what you need. What makes you feel good and powerful? What reminds you of how incredible and strong you are? What lifts you up when you're struggling? All of the deep and wonderful magic that is you, is on the inside. The outside is just a lovely bonus. And it's still all yours. No one else gets to dictate what makes you feel good. 

Embrace that wild inner landscape, and tune into what will make you feel so damn good this year. I'm here in your corner and I'm cheering you on all the way.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! Have you ever felt so incredible at your core? Where did that come from and how can you invite more of it? What is making you feel amazing these days? What is calling your name? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo