
tired of the constant grind?


Hello there and happy Tuesday! I hope this week finds you asking yourself what you want to release as we head towards the Winter. I'm drinking Irish Breakfast Tea this morning and thinking about shedding my leaves and finding stillness. 

I'm currently looking out my window at the beautiful changing colours of Fall. And on this especially windy morning, I'm watching the leaves falling and being blown around as our tree gets ready for winter. It's beautiful.

The cycles of nature have so much to teach us and I'm reminded that while we are nature, we often resist the cycles and instead prefer to push and push and push until we are exhausted. 

In a season (at least on my side of the world) where nature is letting go and going inward, we are suddenly amping up for the holidays. This will be followed by the rush of New Year's resolutions and "getting back to it". Spring will find us amping up again for the lighter days and warmer weather. And then you guessed it, Summer finds pushing ourselves and getting outside to enjoy longer days and the hot weather.

Do you see the pattern here? There's no wind down. We don't allow space for slowing down, or being still and the very important shedding that comes in the cooler seasons. Where is the time for stillness and reflection? 

In our season of diving, I talked about the beauty of asking yourself what you want and what's important to you. I talked about asking yourself how you want to feel and how you want to honour your magical old crone self. None of this is possible without stillness and release. We can't make space for things to come in if we don't let go. If we are constantly pushing and reaching without nurturing the present, I feel like we're telling ourselves on some level that nothing will ever be enough. That we must always be chasing. 

Imagine yourself as a tree in the Fall, your beautiful leaves gently falling away so that you have the space, time and energy to go inward and rest. What might it look and feel like to replenish and prepare for what comes next? 

In the world as it is, it's so hard to slow all the way down, but I invite you to find a moment each day for stillness. This might be five minutes with your tea in the morning, walking your dog without your phone so that you can enjoy being outside, or simply sitting and taking three slow deep breaths with your eyes closed. If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, imagine yourself as that strong and beautiful tree and gently let your leaves drift away as you make space and invite just a touch more ease and softness into your life. The more you do this, the more natural it will become.

I'd love to help you with this, so join one of my classes and give yourself 75 minutes of time and space to be present. We're going to have such a lovely time!

As always, I'd love to hear about it! How are you honouring the cycles of nature? Do you find it challenging to slow down, and how can you support yourself in shedding this season? Let me know in the comments below.

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo