
Want to be a holiday season rebel?


Hello there! I hope this week finds you getting ready to trick, treat and subsequently steal some of your kids candy. I'm drinking my favourite brand of Earl Grey Tea this morning and thinking about this season of indulgence and guilt.

Happy Halloween, friends! It's that time of year where we indulge our playful side, get into costume and of course, eat all the tiny candies. This also tends to be the time that kicks off the mental fuckery that is food being around every corner. We have alllll the candy, followed by American Thanksgiving and then Christmas is waiting just around the corner after that.

We may begin to feel stressed financially and socially and then you add to that the anxiety around eating and it becomes quite miserable for many people.

So before November is officially here, I want you to slow down, take a breath and ask yourself what an easeful holiday season might look like for you. I know, I know! You have traditions and there are expectations and you don't want to offend Doris from work who loves to bring in her baking and then also talks about doing an office weight loss challenge in the new year. Doris is a menace, my friends! But the beauty of knowing what to expect is that you can pan out, take a look at the picture in front of you and see what you'd like to shift this year. One small step at a time.

For me, it starts with eating some tiny candy. A small rebellion after decades of agonizing over every calorie. I used to equate a tiny Twix (I freaking love a Twix!) with my weakness and failure. This tiny caramel cookie coated in chocolate held so much emotional turmoil when really, it's just a sweet little snack. Here and then gone with a nice cup of tea to wash it down. It doesn't need to hold more significance than that, or if it does, let it be the significance of you taking a step in the direction of your own space and mental freedom.

I am lucky enough to have met many of you who read this newsletter, and I promise you that you are a freaking glorious human who has way better things to do than stress about food and expectations around the holiday season. I know that if you allow yourself the space now to pause and plan, you will be so happy with the outcome and the freedom that you can offer yourself.

You are allowed to make new traditions. You are allowed to eat if it makes you feel good and say no when it doesn't. You are also allowed to say "hell no!" to resolutions that center around feeling bad about yourself and your body and you are definitely allowed to eat tiny candies. Enjoy them and then let it go. Let that be your first step in making this holiday season an easeful one.

And if you want my help, join me for NOURISH, my two hour holiday workshop on December 1st. This one is Yin and Restorative yoga, coupled with meditation, journaling and group discussion. It's going to be a most excellent way to care for yourself and your body as we roll into December.

As always, I'd love to hear about it! What is your favourite tiny candy and how will you embrace eating it as an act of rebellion? What does your dream holiday season look like and what steps can you take to get you headed in that wonderful direction? Let me know in the comments below!

As you move through this week, remember to treat yourself and your body with love, respect and kindness.

Much love,
Helen xo