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Fat+Happy Yin Yoga (6 Week Series)

Yin yoga is all about the stretch, and it's a truly great way to ease into your day.

In this six session online series we will focus on stretching, taking up space, and setting intentions for the day ahead. When you live in a big body, you spend so much time being told to shrink and this class is the antidote! Most poses take place in a seated or reclined position and we hold for a longer period to encourage deep stretching and release.

Join me, along with a group of wonderful people in an inviting, fat positive environment. You'll be so glad you did!!

All bodies and genders are welcome in this fat positive class.

WHEN: 6 Saturdays, March 1 to April 5

TIME: 9:30am to 10:45am PST

WHERE: Online via Zoom

COST: $125 CDN + GST